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Julia von Sietencron is a designer and textile artist.

In 2010 she had a major role in the foundation of VID art|science, of which she is the Art Director.

VID art|science is a Laboratory of Arts and Sciences dedicated to pursue and promote the evolution of a "Third Culture", facilitating the infinite potential of collaborations between the Arts, Media and Sciences.

Within this context, Julia became an active part in the most advanced scientific studies of the

VID, born in close alliance with the National Institute of Biostructures and Biosystems

(NIBB/INBB,, an Inter-university Consortium of 26 Italian Universities. The ability to look at the biology with the eyes of quantum physics, the 

discovery that cells, including stem cells, emit mutant acoustic vibrations according to their destiny and respond to such vibrations

and electromagnetic oscillations by reprogramming their fate, led her to create Art works capable of embodying these new paradigms.

The approach taken, remarkably received by the more qualified National press ("When is the Art

to explain the scientific complexity," Nòva, Il Sole 24 Ore, Sunday, November 18, 2012), has

recently led to the development of:

• Large Textile Installations including the artistic representations of the sounds made by stem

cells during their differentiation, shifting the textile texture and sound in images of light

resonating with the sound itself.

This approach has earned:

  • The Artistic Directorship of the Event "The Art Side of Blood", during the International

Festival of Science in Genoa (October 23 to November 3, 2013). Here, Julia von

Stietencron created the installation "Blood Morph", a work that has staged a place

made of shapes, lights and sounds that tell the story of the journey of the blood. In this

work the morphogenetic plans through which life unfolds were represented by tissues

forged within minimal surfaces (surfaces that locally minimize their area), signifying the

state of singularity from which the Life itself enters the scene of the Universe. The

work was permeated by beams of light and sounds that represent the continuous flow

of information in the form of oscillations of energy and acoustic vibrations, two elements that increasingly emerge at the basis of cell homeostasis, fashioned through

the rhythmical timing of molecular signals. In this, as in other installations of Julia von

Stietencron, the sounds brought on stage are those actually produced by stem cells,

recorded with a sophisticated atomic force microscope (AFM), able to perceive on a

scale of very fine mechanical vibrations emitted from single cells.

  • The presentation of the textile installation entitled "Memories Network", at the Museum of Modern Art of Bologna (Mambo), on 14 and 15 March 2014. This work represented the emergence of a new informational paradigm in science: our cells express a double memory, that of the current history of adult tissues in which they reside, and that of an ancestral state that goes forth like a time machine to start the clock when the body comes from a singularity, the oocyte fertilized. Through its lights and sounds the installation "tells" of this information that still speaks to us as mutant vibration.

  • The Cover Image in Volume 2 (issue 2, March 2014) of CELL-R4, one of the most prestigious international journals in regenerative medicine. This publication recognizing the international acknowledgment of meta-disciplinary approach of the Artist has been derived from another textile installation of Julia von Stietencron representing the beginnings of life as a world of constant self-assembly of forms in the presence of rhythms orchestrated by physical energies.(

• "Gardens of Suspended Nature". Hanging Gardens among textile warps and wefts that are. A

Place of multisensory suggestions capable to overcome the canonical concept of the garden,

traditionally seen as a “belted”/ surrounded place (GARD = Hart, from which the English

Garden, encircle, surround. Geard, from which the English Yard).

One of the fundamental actions of this process is to remove the garden from the fence,

suspending it out of the time and space in which we use to see a piece of fenced nature. The

new branch opened by this research is to make possible an experience of nature suspended by

the Art: aerial appearance between dream and reality, observed and lived from another point of

view, akin to the very meaning of VID.

• Creating Environments for Multisensory Modulation. This goal stands as a synthesis of a path

where the textile installations and works of Interior Design are “revisited” as living entities with

unprecedented "hyperfunctions", including sensory and tactile perception, implementation and

electrical connectivity. Such an environment is expected to place the individual or groups of

individuals within a relaxing habitat, capable of providing stimuli, impressions and perceptions

caused or facilitated by the fact that the installation will be able to emit lights and sounds in an

interactive and dynamic manner with the present parties, who are seen not as observers but as

participating subjects in language that goes far beyond the verbal communication.

• Creation of installations that include nanostructured electro-conductive textile fibres.

This project is based on the development of textile structures with yarns containing poly (3,4-

ethylenedioxy thiophene) (PEDOT) as an electro-conductive nanopolimer.

Through this strategy, focused on the collaboration of Artists and Scientists who recognize

themselves in the paradigm of the VID, are three-dimensional textile sculptures are currently

under development that may conduct electricity at low voltage, modulating circuits through

special patterns of lights/colors of the textile installation, even in response to certain biological

parameters of the observer such as the heart rate, and its variability as a function of breathing,

and well as the electrical conductivity of the skin.

Julia von Stietencron explaining her work

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science"

Albert Einstein

© 2016 by Julia von Stietencron

Via San Giorgio 5, 40121 Bologna, Italy

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